Simon Twu

Los Angeles- Play a lot at: 1. Smith Park, San Gabriel 2. Barnes Park, Monterey Park 3. Allendale Park, Pasadena 4. Alhambra Park, Alhambra 5. And so forth
Hi guys,
      I play at a 3.0~4.0 skill rating depending on the day and really enjoy both Tennis and Pickleball. My nickname is "3rd Shot Lob," since I have a pretty consistent lob, which I can alternate with my drops.

I love studying paddles, strategic plays, and different technical forms since I used to play Ping-Pong Competitively (Taipei #2 Junior Division), Badminton, and Tennis (Recreational Competitive).

Having the right paddle, weight, swing, and grip (handle), is super important for me, as it makes the game so much more effortless.

If you guys have problems finding the right paddles I highly recommend you do demos and test them out. Feel free to reach out with the Subject Titled: Pickleball Questions For Simon if you have any questions from one recreational athlete to another.

Here's my ambassador page: 
I'm here to help if you have any questions and happy to share coupons with you too if there are promotions I can help with. 
